In reference to this post about how there should be rewards, credits and incentives for those who think ahead and voluntarily do these things/live this way; nobody understands the precious nature of water and the conservation of it as well as the peasantry.
I watered my vegetable plants and trees until early June on rain water alone-water that I had collected through the fall, winter and spring. The heatwave this year began at the end of May.
Water-hog lawns in the desert, (especially during a drought) are a different story altogether. Still, just imagine the water saving potential of using collected rain water for edible garden plants-alone.
Lawns made of perennial rye or buffalo grass, or red fescue use less water than Kentucky bluegrass lawns.
Better yet, switch to xeriscaping or use the lawn space for edible gardening.
Here’s the thing: It is ineffective to continue praying for more rain if the only plan is to continue business as usual;”continue the same thing while expecting different results”. No, the time to make changes is long overdue.
We keep losing the lesson. We are supposed to make changes.
For next time regarding water conservation, shall we talk about sprawling golf courses for a game that was invented in Scotland where it rains a lot?? Or how about the extremely high water usage of factory farming? While amidst a heatwave, how about climate change and factory farming?
Yeah I didn’t really think you wanted to talk about it, but just double checking. 🙂 I’ve been saying it all for over a decade now.
At any rate, Have a great weekend!
your pleasant peasant full of reminders for ye.