The Release of My New Book


Hi Everyone,

First, I want to thank all of you for your reading, support and for what you do for our mom the earth, (no matter how small, it does make a difference). Many small steps add up to great things.

With that, I am pleased to announce the release of my new book The Irony of the Well

This is part 2 of the story. If you’ve read The Wellness Diaries book you already understand why two parts were necessary since that part of the journey spanned 15 years.

Keep eating, working, studying, hoping and living it.

Here’s to the well-being of people and planet,


Ecomarket 2020


Hi Everyone,

Finally, after finishing university I am able to hold the next ecomarket! Come join us for our annual ecomarket event on Saturday, September 26th. There will be a live, folk music band and a handful of small business vendors.

It is a fitting time to support and network with eco non-profits small, local businesses, and share, encourage and embrace cultural diversity in all its forms of all peoples of the world.

Here is a feature eco non-profit that joined us in 2017: Northern Utah’s own wildlife rehabilitation!

Donate. Volunteer. Many hands make light work.

See you at the event!

Think About it for the Month…

What a year 2020 has been already. Utah alone has seen earthquakes, wildfires, drought, and recently, winds fast and strong enough to do this:

You’d think the photo was from Kansas or something where there are regular tornadoes but no, this was here in Utah, just five houses down from mine. Then there is the COVIDness that the whole world is dealing with.
2020 is a year to stop, look around, think about it, and reconsider everything.

For the well-being of people and planet, it is my hope that all will do just that.
