Getting Involved and Giving Something Back

Improving the qualilty of life for all people while preserving other species and habitat is possible. There is work to do, purposes to accomplish, roles to fill, much to reevaluate and consider. The responsibilities and roles of cleaning up the mess will be completely different from those of building the new ideal.

The well-being of people and planet covers a lot of ground. Here are some links I recommend. Volunteer. Donate. Educate yourself. Change starts with you.
Clean Utah air already; this is unacceptable and embarrassing.
H20-a precious resource. Utah is a desert. Make it count.
Prison Project-Go Broken to Beautiful
Utah Reptile Rescue
Stand for the Silent-suicide prevention
Bats are a natural insect control. We need them.
Trees are essential; arborist consultants
Support Small Farmers and Fair Trade
Non-GMO corn; support small business and Native Americans
The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
Hope spots-Marine Protected Areas
Endangered Species Chocolate partners with non-profit and conservation organizations
Support Indian Farmers
Connecting Landscapes, Protecting Wildlife
Planting trees and protecting forests
Human health=Planet health
Eco Defense. Social Justice.
Creating Green Space
Mozambique; Coexisting with Lions
Food Revolution Network~John Robbins
Nature and habitat conservation
Ensuring the rights of Native Americans
Meals for Health
Wildlife Sanctuary
Ocean Conservation
Wildlife Conservation
Rainforest Conservation

Global is local. Thank you for reading, donating and getting involved.