How’s your hygiene? Chances are that you probably brushed your teeth last night and this morning. But when was the last time you checked in with your mood, your thought patterns? Did you wake up and tell yourself you were going to look for the brighter side of things today?
Mental health is not only important to overall health, but like eating well and exercise, it applies to everyone as a basic part of health. It affects all other aspects of a healthy lifestyle. While changing habits in thinking does not happen overnight, it is as essential to health, happiness and success for the individual as eating well and exercise.
Collectively, avoiding and letting go of fearful thinking, resentment, and negativity is a key to progression and positive change in our world. Collectively begins individually. Individually expands globally.
Mental health is important. Unlike other aspects of health, it so directly affects others, people immediately close, expanding outward. A person who persists in viewing life from an angry, resentful negative place, not only attracts more of this but also is spreading this to others. This is why compassion, but understanding and education is a two way street, and all have a part to play.
It is important to take steps in correcting negative thinking, but also being honest with oneself. It is a constant journey. That is, developing the skill of seeing the brighter side of things, no matter what life’s happenings may be, all the while letting go of the “junk” and emotional baggage that is no longer useful.
While I have studied a lot on my own with some experience in this area, having taught B.R.I.D.G.E.S for Nami, Utah, I am not a therapist. I recommend this blog and book by Guy Winch, PhD author of Emotional First-Aid.
Here’s to a full glass!
Stay tuned.
Owen, it was nice to meet you on the train. I’ve enjoyed reading your blogs. I feel like I resonate with a lot of what you expressed. As we were talking I mentioned some books & authors that have been inspiring to me & thought I’d leave some recommendations for you & your readers. Everyone learns at different times & in different ways so just know these are what resonated with me. Human by Design by Gregg Braden, THe Power of Now & A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle , Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson & many other authors connected with them… Joe Dispenza, Deepak Chopra, etc…all intertwines, nothing is separate so you can glean something from anyone or anything (as you’ve said) you meet or experience.
Likewise Karen, it was nice meeting you on the train. Thank you for the comments about the blog and the suggestions for books. I will add these to my reading list. As we discussed, we’re always expanding on our new path and our journey. We are drawn to what resonates with us as we seek true nourishment. I am happy for you for making this discovery. Wishing you well on your journey and keep me posted on your progress.