A Sociologist’s Perspective


Understanding world problems is a step toward solving them. I highly recommend the course “Social Problems;” it is very eye-opening. Consulting sociologists in conducting the business of humanity is common sense, but unfortunately this is not so common(Eitzen, D.S., Zinn, B.M., Smith, K.E.,2014.).

Informing yourself is a good practice. Here is an excellent blog: Any Good Thing; A Sociologist’s Perspective

Toward positive change and awareness we go. Remember that “perma-optimism” is at some point a form of denial and complacency. Until humanity reaches that happy and peaceful state, there is plenty to do. Baby steps, and sometimes giant leaps. Neither is the answer to pass the buck and buy into the illusion that you are powerless. Bring the change you wish to see.


(Eitzen, D.S., Zinn, B.M., Smith, K.E.(2014). Social problems, 13th ed.

Beneficial Desert Creatures


Here is to Utah’s only native species of salamander! This group of tiger salamanders was a rare find in the yard and I was delighted to stumble across them. I was glad that the people I was working with promised to watch out for them and help them sustain their moisture and cool temps (in a desert they need all the help they can get) as they water the trees. Remember that all creatures have a place. These guys are beneficial to people because they help to control harmful insects naturally; so be sure to provide a cool and moist retreat for them if you notice some in your area. These were found in a small moist burrow caused by slow and steady drip from the hose.

While you can only see his tail and back, this is a lizard from the area that is also beneficial because it eats lots of locusts!