It’s a Good Year to Start Conserving Water in the Desert

Hi there fellow Utahns,

I’ve often written about how Kentucky Bluegrass lawns in a desert (Utah) make no sense. That being said, it should be a given then that parking strips of water-hog grass r e a l l y make no sense.

I was pleased to find a step in the right direction. Here are some links toward water conservation in Utah and incentives to converting your parking strips to water wise, yet beautiful landscapes. Along with you, I have also submitted an application and have taken the online course. I learned that parking strips waste 7,000-10,000 gallons of water annually! This year is one of the worst droughts on record… There is a better way. I have been saying it for over a decade.

The application process (as applications and accounts go) aren’t so bad, and I must say that I rather enjoyed the course. It is always good to learn something new, and every single one of us is always learning/journeying. I hope that you will choose the least damaging route and use the black plastic instead of the toxic sprays.

It is never too late to consider xeriscaping, and arid, water wise plants/landscapes.

Here are the links:

Additional related writings:
Earth Prophets, at Least Two

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