College Collage

Ladies Love Cool O; or at least cool dogs

“You look high as a kite dude.”
“Yep, pretty much, not in that way though haha. After all, at these heights the air is pretty thin and the temperatures are smmmokin hot; even if it was snowing.”

Working at the Stress Relief Center, just how all jobs should be-stress free (the only one I’ve ever had) except when there was a huge line and I had to check in the whole campus (“don’t leave me here alone!”) because everyone else was in class. 😀

“Ask me no questions, I’ll tell you no lies. We were working the whole time Dr. Olpin, we promise!”
… Like I said, don’t ask…
Zoology meetups

He loved it; so did we!

Feeding the Caiman lizards (my favorite) at the aquarium. They eat canned snails!

Survived the group presentation in epidemiology! (The class itself and ecology group presentation too for that matter)



That’s a wrap.
Thank you participants and Weber State-woooo-hoo!I hope you can continue the path of your dreams too. Wellness while being mindful of the earth is a key ticket.


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