Fourteen Years… People Can and Do Change

2008, Before the changes.

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This is a 2012 photo after the changes of The Wellness Diaries journey as described.

The most recent: Summer 2015. It had been a long time since I saw my friends overseas, like family. Miss ya’ll. 😉
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Summer 2015

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Spring 2013

While the change in the physical appearance may be significant, including the weight loss, I prefer to emphasize that it was the inner change which took place that was the most amazing about the WD journey.

I say follow the steps, focus on health and joy, but listen to your body and your own needs. Do what you love; love what you do whether it makes income or not. The other things fall into place naturally including weight loss. That’s a nutshell. The starch-based diet seemed to open a special door to where I could see clearly mentally and also spiritually. The fog lifted; and I experienced a profound sense of joy and purpose. The other pieces naturally fell into place.

This Wellness Diaries journey led me to hope, well-being, inner-peace with myself but growing and learning by trial and error, peace with the universe once again and contentedness. i am forever grateful that it found me.

It’s never too late to make positive changes in the world. Where do they begin? They begin with you. And that is the funnest part. Where will your journey take you? Only you can decide.

As we close this big year of 2015, Peace, joy and happy holidays to all who read this post.


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