“It’s Okay, it’s just Well-being.”

Frosty snow, November 009

In this fast paced, stressful society, making healthy choices that lead to well-being can be very challenging. Making healthy choices and habits daily as part of lifestyle is hard enough. An added challenge is facing the unfamiliar when trying to stick to the new routine of healthy choices.

It may be typical to feel anxious or depressed, be overweight, full of aches and pains and not feel well; but this is not how we people are supposed to feel. It may be typical, but it is not normal to always feel lousy. It may come as a surprise then, that we are supposed to feel and look good. Health is our natural state. Dr. McDougall, author of The Starch Solution and founder of the McDougall wellness center, reminds people of this often.

When a person makes healthy choices, including following sound guidelines of adequate nutrient intake through diet, as well as adopting sound practices of exercise and sleep, they begin to feel joy, optimism, and health return!

Sometimes a person has been so used to feeling lousy in mood and body that ironically, this unfamiliar, state of health returning is the very thing that causes them to return to poor health choices. Feeling lousy is familiar. When just starting to make healthy choices, health and well-being is new and it feels unfamiliar, and so it can be uncomfortable at first.

This is the thing to be mindful of and catch it! this is the critical phase. This is why I suggest that people log their wellness progress. Keep a daily journal. This is the exact thing I did as described in my first book, The Wellness Diaries. It helped me to understand as I tracked my weight, cholesterol, mood, diet and sleep patterns.

When that unfamiliar joy and strength returned, I was able to become familiar with the unfamiliar, comfy with the uncomfortable, knowing that joy, strength, optimism and happiness were indeed, a GOOD thing! They were nothing to be afraid of. Health is my natural state.

Keep a journal. Log your progress. See my 7 step guide page.

Both of my books discuss this thoroughly. Wellness is about the individual. The Wellness Diaries is about making individual change. Life Is Conscious is in regard to individual but also global, collective change, and always emphasizes that global progress begins with individuals.


Books authored by Owen

Life Is Conscious

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